The Cusmanian Family
The Cusmanian family, in the main branches, is present: in Italy, Mexico, the Democratic Republic of the Congo, Brazil, in the Philippines, Romania, Uganda, India and France.
The Cusmanian Family is formed by:
The Missionary Servants of the Poor
They are priests and brothers who, accepting the message of the Founder, intend to “preach the faith through charity”, exercising the ministry and evangelizing those who are in need through those charitable and social initiatives of integral human promotion.

The Sisters Servants of the Poor
They are consecrated women who embrace and live the “ministry of charity” at the service of the poor of every age and condition, from the “cradle to the grave”, as indicated by the Founder and with the faith that “in the Poor Jesus is hidden”.

The Sisters of the Cusmanian Diaconia
They are consecrated women who embrace the Cusmanian charism and are committed to witnessing to it in the family, in the profession and in the parish.
The Association "Giacomo Cusmano"
It is the lay branch of the Society and brings together the lay faithful who promise to live baptism, in the “secular” condition, following the project of “charity without limit” of Blessed Giacomo Cusmano, particularly through the practice of the “morsel”.

The Ex-Alumni Association Cusmano:
It is made up of boys and girls, today men and women, who over the years have been guests in the Cusmanian houses and who, remaining linked to the Work, live in their own condition the teachings received and are part of some initiatives of the Sisters and Missionaries.