Welcome to the official website of the Missionary Servants of the Poor

Missionary Servants of the Poor

The structure of our Congregation

The Congregation of the Missionary Servants of the Poor is structured in the following form: General Government, Province, Delegation and Nation. In each reality, apostolic, educational, health care, formation, etc. activities are carried out according to the charism of the Founder.

Click on each Province to see where we are.

The General Curia

La Curia General  comprende el territorio de Roma y Cesena.

Vea cuales son las estructuras en Italia.


The Father General with his Council

En el centro está

El  Superior General

Padre Hélio Meira Augusto 

De derecha a izquierda:

Padre Ronald Díaz Ignacio 

(3er Consejero)

Padre André Anguyo

(1er. Consejero)

Padre Giovanni Passantino

(2º Consejero),

Padre J. Thadevus Ambatt

(4º Concejal).

From the left:

P. Antonino Ognibene

(2rd Councillor),

P. Salvatore Fiumanò


P. Francesco Panzera

(1nd Councillor)

P. Leonardo Lipani

(3nd Councillor)


The Province Madre della Misericordia includes the territory of Italy, with the exception of Carpi and Gimigliano which are under the jurisdiction of the Province of Notre Dame De L’Espérance.

See what structures are in Italy.



From the left:

P. Constantin Luboya Mande

(2rd Councillor),

P. Alphonse Mbumba Mayanga

(3st. Councillor)

P. Hippolyte Tshibuabua Kabiena Kuluila


P. François Ingengi Onten

(1nd Councillor)



The Province of Our Lady of Hope includes the territory of the Democratic Republic of Congo, Uganda, France and Italy (only Carpi and Gimigliano).

See what the structures are in the various countries.


From the left:

Pe. Carlos Donizete Marson 

(2st. Councillor)

Pe. Francisco de Assis dos Anjos


Pe. Gilberto Antonio Boçon 

(1nd Councillor)



The Mother of God Delegation includes the territory of Brazil.

See what the structures are.